Sugar is bad for you.
Shocking, I know. are artificial sweeteners. What's a girl to do?
Now before I get into this, don't believe that I'm jumping on the "Go Green!" band wagon. I know it's all the rage right now, but that's only because people have what my brother likes to call the "sheep mentality". If enough people jumped off a cliff and got Al Gore to support them, it'd be all the rage too.
I was visiting a good friend of mine in Monroe, Louisiana a couple weekends ago, and she'd just been visiting with her next door neighbor who knows pretty much everything there is to know about organic...everything. She'd found out that fresh-squeezed lemon or grapefruit mixed with water and a sweetener(optional) makes for a means of "cleansing your liver" (no, it's not painful, Viking). Now, this sweetener isn't SweetandLow or Equal (as I said before...those are bad for you because they actually make you retain fat as opposed to burning it (thanks Mom for the info!). It's an "herbal dietary supplement" made from the leafs of a plant called Stevia rebaudiana.
Technically, it's original purpose was to be sold as a natural sweetener, but the FDA ruled it an "unsafe food additive" (BS!), so it now may only be legally sold in the States as a "herbal dietary supplement".
It's an all natural, zero-calorie sweetener that's literally 300 times more sweet than sugar. Can you really go wrong? (just don't put a cup of it in your batch of cookies)
No way on earth am I giving up sugar, but, this is a good alternative when you feel like making yourself feel better by eating green leafy crap. :-)
But this really doesn't have anything to do with bands. Here are our guests from the past two days!
Monday, March 11th, 2008
The Walks (listen to podcast)

Stop by their site and listen to there music HERE!
Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
Slow Motion Crash (listen to podcast)

"Formed in 2004, by Brian Fisher (vocals, guitar) and Ryan Holmes (guitar, vocals) longtime musical partners/friends decided to leave the bustling St. Louis music scene and relocate to Atlanta to peruse a new musical direction. After recruiting several Atlanta area musicians, the band formally known as Creve Coeur debuted “Vast and Danger" and caught a regional buzz.
2006 yielded many changes to the band in the form of a new band name that everyone could spell and remember, a more crafted refined band sound, and a new bassist, New Orleans native Melissa Giorgio to the fold.
In 2007, the band released their self-titled album to positive reviews and toured relentlessly in support opening for notable bands; The Start, Snowden, Forward Russia, and The Birthday Massacre. The material on the new album explores a wide-range of sounds and genre shifting. They infuse precise layering of melodic and discordant guitar riffs, big bottom bass ends, unobtrusive semi-electronic landscapes, and dance-laden drums.
With the latest band member additions of Atlanta natives Joshua Broughton (keys, vocals) and Jason Curtis (drums) firmly in place, the band will continue to craft material that fuses their love of post punk, shoegazer, and electronic music to foster their own unique distinct voice and create an environment where any music fan can harmoniously coexist."
Read their full band bio HERE!

For all of you in the Atlanta area, they're going to be playing at these locations on these dates:
| THE DEPOT -w/ Tx/Rx + The Swear | Covington, Georgia | ||
| SOHO -w/ The Winter Sounds | Columbus, Georgia |
(Sweet...myspace copies and pastes that format)
Their album is available HERE! Be sure to check it out; their sound incorporates a conglomeration of warm tones and sounds from so many different genres. It's very intriguing!

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