Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
Jake Smith (podcast up soon)

"So I figure I can try to give you a little bit about me and the people I associate myself with without paying someone to do it for me. Please keep in mind that I am no more a "bio" writer than I am a piano player. (I play guitar...kind of!) I have seen and been through a lot in recent years, some of which I am almost tired of talking about, and others which I will leave to mystery. I have had my hopes up and seen great promise as well as felt the bottom and actually thought about going back to school. (yes this was a really low time) I have been flattered by kind words some of which I believe to be true. I have played sold out shows in front of a lot of awesome people and have played shows in front of screaming sound men...excuse me audio technicians. I have had my CD in stores, as well as on Ebay for 3 dollars. (which is actually more flattering than you would think) I have been signed to a label and have departed a label all in a years time. And to think, this is only year one. The point of all of that is to say this, WE are just getting started. If you like what you hear then be excited about the future and if for some reason you didn't like it, be excited about the future. I say WE, meaning me and the guys who play with me. We enjoy doing what we do and are blessed and honored to have others enjoy in it with us. I have learned a few things in this first chapter of my career. I can't do it alone. I need anyone and everyone who enjoys the music to support us in any way possible. I can't play without listeners, I can't know joy if I've never known sadness, and I can't know success without remembering just how bad it felt to fail. (over and over again)..." Read More...
Okay, so, I gave the corny analogy about his music yesterday in my blog post, so I won't do any crazy descriptions, but listening to Viking and Jake talk back and forth and hearing his story and what he's all about was (lookout for this descriptive adjective) humbling. He's a down-to-earth, normal guy from New Orleans who puts his pants on one leg at a time, has amazing music (and has only been playing within the last 2-3 years), he's already been in and out of a record label/manger/booking agent, and is able to grasp how one should conduct himself within the music industry. That's it. No bells and whistles. Flat out what it is, and how it should be.
I really respect his attitude about life and his career, in that even though this is his music and career, it's not all about him. He's out there using his gifts to help others and to spread the Word.
I'm not going to go any further because all of his music is pretty self-explanatory. So go listen. :)
Oh, and before I forget, his booking "Man Out Front" manager, JD, was a huge help getting all of this together. Thanks buddy.
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