Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Confessions Part 3

I have a confession.

Independent artists, as a whole, bug me.

Wild, right? Apart from a few artists I've interviewed that I've really liked and wished I could do more to help them with their careers, the majority of unsigned artists out there are lazy drama queens. And that applies to both men and women.

So this is a call to arms, ladies and gentlemen. IF you want to be taken seriously, I strongly advise that you take yourself seriously first. First impressions matter. Working hard matters. If you don't have the drive to put yourself out there, no matter what avenue it is, save someone's time and find a new calling. Dreams are great, but if you don't have the passion and want to truly succeed, give up. We won't call you a quitter if you're doing the general public a favor.
If you do have the drive, make yourself stand out in the ever-flowing river of hopeless, one-sided musical endeavors; for the sake of credibility, step outside of the Fall-Out-Boy persona of side-swiped bangs, white belts and insanely stylish Vans; yes it's stylish, but no, it's not original. Remember, there is room outside of the box. Lots of room.

Okay, rant over. :-) Y'all have a fabulous day.

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