Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Diet Dr. Pepper is NOT the devil.

Good afternoon, everyone!

As you can see, we've temporarily relocated to BlogSpot until we can get our website's feet cemented into the ground.

That little Joomla template booger was too confusing for me; I need professional help. ...No, I'm not checking in.

Now I know you're asking, "why BlogSpot? Why not just code your own website RIGHT NOW and be done with it?"

Perfectly reasonable questions! Why BlogSpot? Well, because it's easy to use. Blondie isn't called Blondie for nothing, you know.
Why not code our own website? Time. We have none.

Time = Money.

Time + More Time = More Money.

We need to be operational RIGHT NOW.

So here we are! Stay tuned! Who knows what going to pop up?


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