Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mristmas Cherry

Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveler, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home! ~Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers, 1836

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas, and that you're anticipating the New Year with hopes, plans, dreams, goals and expectations; and all of this in thankfulness and acknowledgment of our heavenly Father's sovereignty and grace.

*The Viking and I got you all presents (yes, all of you), but I regret to inform you that the truck carrying all of said gifts from the thrift store, tragically blew up, plunged into the ocean, and died.
Nevertheless! We have one thing to offer you, and that is US, talking to YOU, on TogiNet Radio, four times a WEEK! No, you may not have the gift receipt.

Last week, we had the priviledge of featuring and talking to four different bands/artists! Those of which include, Lansdowne, The Mint, Shapiro, and Emily Jane.

From Lansdowne, we talked with drummer, Glenn Mungo. Such a nice guy! He was very excited and eager to talk about the band, as well as promote their tour in the Middle East that's going on into the first week of the new year (we love people who like to talk)! These guys really have it together, and their music shows it.

From The Mint, we got to talk to the ever lovable, dry, witty sarcasm that encompasses lead vocalist, Jon. Apparently even his unborne child has seen Airplane when I have not. Great guy, great sounding band, definitely check their music out!

On Wednesday, we talked to John Granofsky from Shapiro! They are a band hailing from Harrisonburg, VA, consisting of two brothers, their cousin, and a mutual friend of the three. The talented foursome named their band "Shapiro" after the aforementioned mutual friend, "Carl Shapiro", because "Granofsky" just isn't a name that people will remember.

Emily Jane from here in Tyler, TX came on the show on Thursday. Her style of music is unlike anything we've had the privilege of playing on TogiNet; truly unique in the genuine purity of her voice, and the upbeat tempos and lyrics that accompany it! I understand that her website is currently undergoing a makeover (, but keep an ear out for her music on Blondie and The Viking while that's going on!

Last, but definitely not least! This morning (Wednesday the 26th), we had an hour-long chat with two of the four fellas from the Moscow, ID based blog, "Half Past Noon".
Chris Aberle and Austin Storm, former students of New Saint Andrews College, striving to give glory to God in everything that they write, battle the every-day monotony and whining of blogging with their well researched insight into modern-day (and not so modern-day) issues ranging anywhere from pop-culture, to politics and theological misconceptions of the masses.
"We want you to laugh because the Lord came once, conquered death, crushed our enemies under his heel, and purchased the world for us. We want you to be dancing when he comes again." Read More...

Anyway! That about wraps up my update for the week! I'll be back after New Years with some more news and things to make you go "Hmmm"!

Stay safe, don't drink and drive, and please...please don't blow anything up.

*Gift bearing truck and witty wordage, compliments of The Foreigner, Eh?

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