Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Post-Thanksgiving Hunger Pains

Good morning, world!

Well, it's back to the ol' grind! I don't know about The Viking, but I'm excited to be back after spending a weekend eating myself to death! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we appreciate you hangin' in there while we chilled for a while. Kiss

I know your stomachs have to be incredibly stretched, and you're doing your best to get back into your normal eating routine, but, have a look at this Tater-y Goodness .

I know, right? Hott. Zzzzzt.

I know most of you don't know my style of cooking, but...let's just say, I have a lot to learn (most of it involves microwaves , and Ramen Noodle Soup ). I did however, succeed in making some pretty kick-butt mashed potatoes (FROM SCRATCH AND NOT OUT OF THE BOX *ahem* VIKING!) and twice baked potatoes for Thanksgiving this year!

Stay tuned! There is a Blondie and The Viking VS Wild in your near future.

Blondie out.

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