Slow Runner (Listen to Podcast)

"step 1 - start with information about your early years that nobody really cares about but that you have to put in there because otherwise the bio is thin and it's completely obvious how unsuccessful you really are.
ex. slow runner started in 2003 when singer/songwriter michael flynn and multi-instrumentalist josh kaler began musically fornicating together after college.
step 2 - create a mythos around how your 'sound' was formed.
ex. one night while walking through the woods michael and josh pulled a sword from a stone and the curtains of heaven opened up and they simultaneously realized their musical destiny involved casio, loud drums, and short pop songs about girls.
step 3 - puff your chest out and list accomplishments no matter how insignificant they might be.
ex. michael flynn almost won the john lennon songwriting scholarship in 2001. then he did win the flat rock music festival songwriting contest, then he and kaler made 'no disassemble', formed a full band, and signed a deal with j records in 2005. " Read more...
Well, after talking to Michael today on the show, I have to wonder how on earth this mellow music comes from such a hyper fella! Even though he’s been expelled from school a time or two and isn’t allowed into the state of Georgia where he’s a convicted sex offender (not really), he’s developed an exuberant vocabulary (not to say sex offenders don’t have exuberant vocabularies) that he uses to attractively and hilarious portray himself and his bandmates, and also has the attitude of an artist that genuinely wants to hear the truth about what people think of his stuff.
This is the first time we’ve ever interviewed anyone that have been involved with a good-sized label, that aren’t any longer, and that don’t have any plans to be involved with one again. Michael said in the interview that Slow Runner used to be signed with J Records, and he said, “There’s been a giant paradigm shift in how the music business works. I don’t see any point in being on a major label at this point.” It was really interesting to hear that, because as you all know, we talk to people from both sides of the fence on this subject. Sometimes someone will say what Michael said, that it’s just not necessary to be signed to a label with the outlets that are available to get your music out there; and then other times we’ll hear from bands that they would really like to be signed with a label as long as it’s “the right deal” so as that they can get the financial and promotional support they need, and still be able to retain their creative freedoms.
Personally, I can see pro’s and con’s to both sides, but I think that with either side you’re faced with the same thing you’re faced with in any aspect of life. You’re going to have to work your proverbial rear-end off to get anywhere.
Which brings me to another point of our conversation; one thing that Michael mentioned that one thing he personally really disliked about being involved with J Records, was that everyone talked as if Slow Runner was the best thing since sliced bread.
“I just cannot stand how record label people talk. That whole fast talking, everyone’s positive, “everything’s happening, man!”. Anytime I’m around anybody even in another business that talks like that…I immediately have to leave the room because it’s so fake.”
You know that fluff that people throw out there to make you feel good about yourself when all they’re after is an opportunity to make money? That stuff. Michael admittedly stated though that if you’re an artist that has struggled, that “It’s impossible to not be charmed by all of that stuff. You cannot resist it!”
So like I said, you’re going to run into that crap in any aspect of life where you’re working to get somewhere. Someone’s going to come along with these symptoms of Fluffery, but you need to work hard to attain either A: a good record deal that’s going to be honest and give you constructive criticism and help you help yourself, or B: Go it alone and search for avenues to promote yourself and take advantage of them.
But anyway, Michael’s a guy with his head screwed on straight, and I’m sure the rest of his band mates have that same mindset, so we give them props for that, and for the sound of their music. It’s very mellow, kinda chill music which some of you chillers may enjoy!