But all of that aside, I truly do want to put good content into what I write, and I for some really odd reason I like to put a bunch of pressure on myself to take into account all the different views and opinions, and I end up writing like a chicken with its head cut off. And through all of that, I start forgetting one very important thing.
Okay I suck at putting things eloquently, so I copy and pasted that from our church website. *grin*
But you’re not going to read all of that unless you’re intently interested in knowing what we believe. In a short, simple version, we believe in the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the infallibility of Scripture under the presupposition that God is who He says He is, and everything that falls under that.
Anyway, back to what I was saying. I forget to write blog posts to the best of my ability in the way a Christian should. To the glory of God. So as a result, they end up full of holes and kind of irritating to read because they all tend to read the same.
And by this point, I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m writing all of this and why I can’t just know this in my head without verbalizing it and forming my blog posts to revolve around those thoughts. But I am just like my mother (HI MOM!) and I have to have something down on paper and filed away so I can rest easy knowing that it’s there for me to look back on if I need it! But also I’d like to have it here to keep what I write in check.
Okay, cool, so, all of that’s settled. All of this time I’ve felt like I’ve been dishonest because I haven’t come right out and been completely forthcoming.
So NOW! What is this blog now that I’m just saying what I think? Well it is what it’s always been. Now with just a little bit more straight-to-the-pointed-ness. There are times when the Viking and I seriously don’t like some of the music we play. THERE! I said it! I won’t go out and pinpoint exactly which ones because that wouldn't exactly be very nice. But from here on out, if you send us your music, expect to be liked, or just flat out disliked. But we’ll be nice about it, don’t worry.
(Yeah, I say that now, but once I come across someone I don’t like I’ll chicken out and be all nice and fluffy…HEY maybe I’ll get a Fluff Rating thing going on for you to vote on: “Is this fluff or is she being sincere?”)
Speaking of ratings; I’d really like to get you guys involved with us! Please tell us what you think! We like lively discussion. Up till now you haven’t had a lot to comment on, but I’ll be doing my best to make things better from that perspective.
Anyway, before I continue on this rant, I better take care of getting show interview slots filled for next week. Thank you so much for reading and for your continued support!
OH, and also, don't forget. TogiNet's new show, "Beauty Salon Confessions" starts THIS Thursday, May 1st at 1:00PM EST.
Tuesday, April 29th, 2008
Vertigo (podcast up soon)

"Vertigo is an original alternative/rock band with a definite twist. Known for their ability to put on a great show, Vertigo is always able to connect with a crowd, and bring that crowd to its feet. Passionate, energetic, and eminently likeable, frontwoman Lindsey Stamey is an absolutely awe-inspiring vocalist and entertainer.
From hard-driving rock beats to a more ethereal and melodic vibe, Vertigo’s sound is somewhere between Flyeaf and Radiohead.
After having shared the stage with acts such as Flyleaf, The Gin Blossoms, 10 Years, and Shiny Toy Guns, Vertigo has the experience and ability to deliver performances that never fail to please.
Vertigo is a rare blend of musicianship at its finest, and entertainment at its most compelling."
Joel got stuck with the interview. It sounded like he'd just crawled out of bed, but apparently he was on break at work where he makes Spare Dentist Hands. (They're very high on demand these days) But nonetheless! He gave us the general run-down of the band and the ins-and outs of what's going on. Their stuff is actually really hardcore awesome. I love the sound of their vocalists' (Lindsey) voice! It's very Amy Lee/Fly Leaf sounding like their bio depicts.
And we can't forget Nathan and Justin! Hopefully if we're able to have them back, we can talk to them too.
They're going on an east-coast tour starting May 9th to June 14th, and their schedule is PACKED. Head out there and give 'em the support they need!
That's my girl!!!
lol, Great job Ash, now that's what i enjoy reading :-)
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