That's right. "Ye Olde Squatting Hound". You'll come to the opening, right?
(Yeah okay, I was just really bored one day and needed to practice some photoshop skillz...)
Friday, April 18th, 2008
Varnadore (listen to podcast)

Varnadore is Josh Varnadore and David Cook. We're about loving people and writing songs about the love we've been given. We pray that these songs fill you with hope and inspire you to truly live. Thanks for stopping by. Be true. -Varnadore PS: we love surprises. David enjoys Arizona green tea, sour punch straws, and a jimmy johns vito sub. Josh enjoys claritin, vitamin water, and a jimmy johns turkey tom sub.
For a band that's only been together for 8-9 months, Varnadore has more going for them then a lot of bands that we know that have been together for years. Being fellow believers in Christ, they acknowledge Who it was who gave them all of that talent, and they strive to do their best and work their hardest with what they've been given.
And they write songs in bathrooms. Common. That's cool.

Monday, April 22nd, 2008
Otto Vector (Listen to Podcast)

Video games, cartoons & pop music of the 1980's inspire the highly-animated musical stylings of OttO Vector. With a focus on heavy beats & catchy melodies, OttO Vector represents a uniquely balanced musical synthesis of organic & electronic, modern technology, rock & funky retro-pop.
"Its funky, unique and refreshing to hear. Totally original sound- No really, Im not kidding- totally original!" -Kelly Brown, 89x Radio
"Otto Vector clawed their way out of Detroit's barracks of aural analogousness by creating synth-pop that lies somewhere between The Fixx, The Pretenders, and a Nintendo game. With their heavy beats, power driven guitars, berserkish synth and slinky vocals, the group creates a blend of rock, funk, dance, and electro thats half 1984, half 2004." -Ray Wagel, Ann Arbor Paper
"If Gwen Stefani and the chick from Garbage had a kid and that kid was a local band, that band would be Otto Vector. Synthy but alt-rocky, this oddly named group sounds like theyre radio ready." -Real Detroit Weekly
"The SEXIEST band in Detroit!" -Cal Cagno, 89x Radio
Five bits to a byte, or three bits short of a byte? We'll let you decide! We talked to Mike and Renee this morning for a good 25 minutes, and it was a pleasant chat indeed! Check 'em out, for reals!
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