Michael Buble (fictional podcast available in Blondie's head)

Here's a transcript piece from the podcast:
Michael: Ashley, darling, how are you?
Blondie: "Hi..hi hi...HIII hellloo...HI!"
*sigh* Okay, maybe not. Michael Buble Radio has been playing on Pandora (can we say obsessed?) for the past couple of hours. Viking's going to have to take over the blog-posting if I keep this up!
Tuesday, April 15th, 2008
Hot Vegas (listen to podcast)

The word migration is defined as an unwillingness to permanently settle in one location. After releasing their EP, This One’s For Desire, in early 2005, Andrew X (vocals/guitar), Alex Stewart (guitar), Daniel Henderson (bass) and Jared Bruce (drums) embarked on a musical expedition with no specific destination in mind. “The music we make is just what comes out,” says Andrew. “We just play what we feel.” The result is an emotionally charged and commercially appealing sound that many have referred to as “a breath of fresh air.”
The songs on Migration not only possess genuine sincerity, but also a refreshing originality that dares to challenge an industry in which cookie cutter is the norm. “Most of the songs on Migration are about our own personal experiences,” concedes Andrew. “I think it would be very unfair to pick just one song off the record that defines us because they all define us. We created all of them.”
Hot Vegas has been likened to some of the most innovative bands of all time. Recently referred to as “what Coldplay could sound like with balls” by Emotional Punk Magazine, their soaring melodies and inspired vocals are most comparable to the iconic sound and feel of U2.
Although some elements of their musical influences can be heard in their songs, hot vegas effortlessly manages to create a signature style that is representative of who they are and what they stand for as a band. ...Read More
Wednesday, April 16th, 2008
Sugar Glyder (podcast up soon)

Melodically aggressive, and intimately honest, Sugar Glyder exists to consistently interject their own personal concoction of innovative sound into the starving veins of the art form known as music. Forming in late 2002, near the small town of Waxhaw, original collaborators Chris and Daniel starting playing music together. Once the addition of Cory and Emily came to pass in late 2003, belonging and purpose slowly pushed them into writing their own music. These components, eventually re materializing into full length songs, became the binding contract between these four individuals. They are not only song writers, they are listeners. Nearly four years later, this unit is working to fight for all that is wholesome and self-sacrificing in the realm of the music industry.
Sugar Glyder. A name that means nothing, but yet is powerful enough to be a state of being.
Daniel Howie (he's the one that looks like one of the vampires on the old "Lost Boys" movie) and Chris Rigo (he looks like Serius Black) graced us with their presence for a whoppin' 30 minutes! We kept them a long time on there laughing and cutting up. You would've thought by our moods that it was Friday or something! LISTEN TO THE PODCAST...when it's up tomorrow!
They're releasing a full-length album in TWO DAYS, so check out the hype on their myspace: www.myspace.com/sugarglyder. Also, they're heading on a huge east-coast tour kicking off on May 9th, see their schedule to see if they're coming to a venue near you!
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