Jake Germany (Listen to Podcast)

Jake Germany is from a tiny town in Texas. Just recently he made the move to Oklahoma, all the while pursuing his music more than ever. After playing and singing for Tyler, Texas band, theRESERVES, he started his own project to write about more than the fog of adolesent lust, but of a love that is dwindling in the heart of this world. A love that is real.
Jake Germany was one of the first independent artists on our station! He's a native Tylerite and is well known and loved from here, all the way up through Shawnee, OK, AND BEYOND. He's released his second album titled "Hold Your Peace", and it is available on his myspace: www.myspace.com/jakegermany
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008
Jeremy (podcast up soon)

Jeremy is Martin Frericks, Sascha Görgens and Christof Cwienczek. The three musicians enjoyed making music together from the first minute and founded a band in Aachen, Germany. The name Jeremy was chosen to be a tribute to the songs and works of Pearl Jam, which have always been a great influence to the bands songwriting. Other very strong influences are Tool, Audioslave, Muse, Radiohead and Selig.
Oh goodness. This interview was THE COOLEST. Apparently I just have a thing for people from other countries, because I giggled throughout the entire thing. Martin and Sascha called into the show from Aachen, Germany (it was about 6PM their time) over skype, and we had a chat for about 30 minutes discussing their music, how they got started, and where they want to be in 5 years (obviously signed to a label in good ol' Texas).
My ignorance showed forth once again when I said, "So...whenever you guys speak in German...do y'all sound angry?" Which is a misconception spewing from a stilted view of Germanese music: Rammstein.
Anyway! It's a funny interview, we had a lot of fun with them, and we want you to listen to the podcast and lend them your support!
If you so happen to speak German, you can visit their website here: http://www.jeremy-online.de/
But if you don't, you can still visit and look at the pictures. That's what I'm doing. :-D

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