Okay, I went nuts with Amazon Widgets. I don't know why, but the word "widgets" makes me smile.
Up above *points* you will see a scrolling widget displaying album art! In it you'll find music from a some of the artists that we've had on our show! So, if you're an artist, and would like to be/have been on our show, let us know if you have either an album or music downloads available on Amazon, and we'll stick you up there!
Aaand to your right (scroll down a bit), you'll find mine and Viking's Fav Crap. We just tossed a few things in there for fun because we thought it looked cool.
The end.
So, I thought I'd give you all a brief tour of our workplace.
Here, we have my microphone and the mixer board.
Aaand here is the place where The Viking rests his posterior region.
Oh look! Here's his posterior region!
And here is my computer working hard on the site! Neat, huh?
Monday, April 7th, 2008
Farewell Down (podcast up soon)

The story, not better off forgotten, is the tale told of Farewell Down.
This story begins with two lads whose blistered souls meet on the eve of a cold night. With fiddles in hand and a hop in their step, they would face each other for the first time.
Joe, a corky boy, didn't really feel the need to express his feelings through words. Instead he expressed it in song, always carrying a tune wherever he went. Some enjoyed it, while others hid in the shadows when he would walk by. With pen in hand and a notebook hanging out of his sown, but remarkably worn pocket, he would write whatever was on his mind and sing to whomever would listen (even if it was not the most delightful tune). Little did he know there was someone who could make his words feel the way he had always wanted them to.
Rudy, a funny fellow, whose hair made even the most beautiful men jealous, viewed life in a different fashion. Instead of walking, he danced to his destinations, sometimes in the process adding a whole group to his rhythmic ways. As strange as it seems, he only danced to the music that he played on his fiddle, strumming his tune on the cold wound strings. Living for late, he desired to add words to this tune, a melodious harmony with meaning and substance.
One fateful day Joe was singing while Rudy was in the distance dancing and playing his fiddle. All of the sudden, as they drew near to each other, Joe’s tune began to change to the notes and music that were being played by Rudy. As they passed by each other they stopped as if they could not move further until they figured this mystery out. Soon they faced the same direction and began walking together, but there was something missing. Despite all the harmonious notes and tasty licks their timing was completely off. As they continued traveling through the town, in the mist of all the noise they heard rhythm. As they drew closer they realized what they had been missing. "My name is Paul," he said as he kept the beat going with his hands. Joe and Rudy nodded in approval as Paul joined there side as they traveled down the road not knowing who they would run into or what towns they would find along the way. All they knew is that there was meaning in this thing they called music and they wanted all who would listen to hear. As their shadows faded in the distance all you could hear was their music. The music of Farewell Down.
"Finding out, all you’ve planned for me and write it off as pure insanity. Here to show the world what we’re living for, so take it all and use it for you Lord."
Poor Joe has been a victim of my blonde-ness. We had scheduled an interview for last Friday, but again, I forgot a vital detail and didn't send him, or ask for contact information. Smart, huh? But we got it worked out and had him back on his day off! Today!
He called in all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (okay, he'd just woken up) and gave as a very good rundown of what the band is all about.
For those of you who weren't able to catch the show, they're going to be signing with an indie label very soon, and will hopefully be releasing a full-length album in a very short 5-6 months! Keep up with them on their website, www.myspace.com/farewelldown.
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